Sunday 23 September 2012


to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different. 

Tim Tebows Faith & Football Skills Inspire Americans | Tebowmania

Tebowing is a neologism for the act of kneeling on one knee in prayer with one's head resting on one's fist. It is derived from Tebow's propensity for kneeling and praying. The origin of the phrase is credited to fan Jared Kleinstein, who posted a picture with friends on Facebook, in which they mimicked a pose of Tebow following the Broncos' comeback overtime victory over the Dolphins on October 23, 2011.The popularity of the picture led Kleinstein to set up a website showing pictures submitted by people depicting various interpretations of Tebowing all over the world. After two and a half-months, the site received 20,000 photograph submissions from all seven continents and 20 million page views from 2 million unique visitors. The New York Times wrote "it can be hard to tell whether [people tebowing] are celebrating or mocking [Tebow] for his virtuous ways."Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl tebowed as part of a bet with the mayor of Denver following the Broncos playoff victory over the Steelers in 2012.
Tebowing was recognized as a word in the English language by the Global Language Monitor, due to its level of worldwide usage, which was comparable to the word Obamamania (referencing PresidentBarack Obama). In December 2011, the life-sized wall adhesions company Fathead released a "Tebowing" sticker that became the company's best-selling product in two days.


Mid-air Tebowing in Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong 
Mid-air Tebowing in Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong 

Introducing Tebowing. It’s like planking, but dumber.

Grou Tebowing on The Okovanga Delta,  Botswana, Africa
Grou Tebowing on The Okovanga Delta,  Botswana, Africa
Tebowing the completion of a Well Drilling mission in Acajutl, El Salvador
Tebowing the completion of a Well Drilling mission in Acajutl, El Salvador 
Did you know they had Tebow buses in NYC now? #takingover
Did you know they had Tebow buses in NYC now?
Te-Cliff jumping at Lake Malawi, Africa 
Te-Cliff jumping at Lake Malawi, Africa 


Tim Tebow's FAITH ♥

His Religious Side 

 Tebow has gained as much prominence from his strong religious beliefs as with his play on the field. His first words after the Steeler victory Sunday, “First and foremost I want to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. He’s done so much in my life.” His Christianity is stamped on his forehead. Some are fine with it, some aren’t, but it is definitely a big part of his persona. It adds to the intrigue, and is part of the reason that Sunday’s Wildcard playoff game was the highest rated in 24 years with 25.9 overnight rating.

Tim Tebow John 316

Tim Tebows Faith & Football Skills Inspire Americans | Tebowmania
Tim Tebow's Touted Bible Verse: John 3:16

Broncos star Tim Tebow once touted the Bible passage John 3:16 on his eye-black during his days as a Florida Gator, but the scripture passage gained more attention after the quarterback's 316 yards passing helped Denver clinch a nail-biting, overtime victory against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday.
The quarterback's highly publicized Christian image has long been discussed among sports fans nationwide, but what's the significance of Tebow's favorite scripture passage and how has religion played a role in sports?
John 3:16 is a central scripture passage for Evangelical Christians, and it reads:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


Tim Tibow's Power of Positivity & True Meaning of Determination

"His Promise"

"I promise you one thing. A lot of good will come out of this. You will never see any player in the entire country play as hard as I will play the rest of the season. You will never see someone push the rest of the team as hard as I will push everybody the rest of the season. You will never see a team play harder than we will the rest of the season."

Determination and Positivity

 Boy if there is ever a case study for the Power of Positivity and Determination, it’s been exemplified by Tim Tebow this year. Tebow started the year on the bench as the Broncos started 1-4. Tebow was inserted in the fifth game of the season at halftime and came up just short of erasing a 16 point deficit against SD. The next week against Miami he started. Down 15-0 in the 4th, the Broncos stormed back and won in overtime. After a thrashing at home against the Lions, the Broncos went on to win their next 6, and a star was born. His QB style isn’t pretty. Tim is not often mentioned in the same conversation with the NFL elite QB’s Brady, Brees, and Rodgers. What Tim does share with these elite 3 is heart, and arguably more heart. He doesn’t quit. His will and determination are contagious. Everyone on that Bronco team believes in him, and their play has risen as a result. His talent is below the average NFL QB, but it should serve as example to all of us. What we lack in talent, can be overcome, and good things result.


Sunday 16 September 2012

The TEBOW family

Tim Tebow was born in Makati City in the Philippines, to American parents who were serving as Baptistmissionaries at the time. His mother, Pamela Elaine is the daughter of a U.S. Army colonel, and his father, Robert Ramsey Tebow II, is a pastor.

Tim Tebow's Parents (  Pamela Elaine and Robert Ramsey Tebow II)
While pregnant, his mother suffered a life-threatening infection with a pathogenic amoeba. Because of the drugs used to rouse her from a coma and to treat her dysentery, the fetus experienced a severe placental abruption. Doctors had expected a stillbirth and recommended an abortion, although illegal in the Philippines, to potentially save her life,but she refused.

Tim Tebow is the youngest of five children. He and his siblings were all homeschooled by their mother, who worked to instill the family's Christian beliefs along the way. In 1996, legislation was passed in Florida allowing homeschooled students to compete in local high school sporting events. The law specifies that homeschooled students may participate on the team of the local school in theschool district in which they live.The Tebows lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and Tim played linebacker and tight end at the local Trinity Christian Academy for one season.

The Tebow Family - Bob, Pam, Joey, Christy, Gannon, Katie, Robby, Peter, Timmy, Claire, Abby and Joe
The Tebow Family
Bob, Pam, Joey, Christy, Gannon, Katie, Robby, Peter, Timmy, Claire, Abby and Joe 

In a world where cynicism and rhetoric often usurp values and faith, many may doubt Tebow’s existence is the product of the prayer that he and his family credit for his life.

Tim Tebow Says Football Comes After Faith and Family

-GMA (Good Morning America)


Friday 14 September 2012

Up-close and Personal

Timothy Richard "Tim" Tebow was born on August 14, 1987 in Makati City, Philippines.Currently, he's now 25 years old with a height of 6'3. He is the #15 of the American Football quarterback for the New York Jets of the National Football League (NFL) . He played college football for the University of Florida, winning the Heisman Trophy in 2007 and appearing on BCS National Championship-winning teams in the 2006 and 2008 seasons. After graduating, he was drafted by the Denver Broncos as the 25th overall pick in the 2010 NFL Draft. He is a dual threat quarterback, adept at both rushing and passing. With his unorthodox NFL quarterback skills and frequent demonstrations of religious devotion, many football players and observers have said that they "have never seen anything like it". He is famous for his action now called by everybody as "Tebowing".