Sunday 23 September 2012

Tim Tebow's FAITH ♥

His Religious Side 

 Tebow has gained as much prominence from his strong religious beliefs as with his play on the field. His first words after the Steeler victory Sunday, “First and foremost I want to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. He’s done so much in my life.” His Christianity is stamped on his forehead. Some are fine with it, some aren’t, but it is definitely a big part of his persona. It adds to the intrigue, and is part of the reason that Sunday’s Wildcard playoff game was the highest rated in 24 years with 25.9 overnight rating.

Tim Tebow John 316

Tim Tebows Faith & Football Skills Inspire Americans | Tebowmania
Tim Tebow's Touted Bible Verse: John 3:16

Broncos star Tim Tebow once touted the Bible passage John 3:16 on his eye-black during his days as a Florida Gator, but the scripture passage gained more attention after the quarterback's 316 yards passing helped Denver clinch a nail-biting, overtime victory against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday.
The quarterback's highly publicized Christian image has long been discussed among sports fans nationwide, but what's the significance of Tebow's favorite scripture passage and how has religion played a role in sports?
John 3:16 is a central scripture passage for Evangelical Christians, and it reads:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


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