Sunday 16 September 2012

The TEBOW family

Tim Tebow was born in Makati City in the Philippines, to American parents who were serving as Baptistmissionaries at the time. His mother, Pamela Elaine is the daughter of a U.S. Army colonel, and his father, Robert Ramsey Tebow II, is a pastor.

Tim Tebow's Parents (  Pamela Elaine and Robert Ramsey Tebow II)
While pregnant, his mother suffered a life-threatening infection with a pathogenic amoeba. Because of the drugs used to rouse her from a coma and to treat her dysentery, the fetus experienced a severe placental abruption. Doctors had expected a stillbirth and recommended an abortion, although illegal in the Philippines, to potentially save her life,but she refused.

Tim Tebow is the youngest of five children. He and his siblings were all homeschooled by their mother, who worked to instill the family's Christian beliefs along the way. In 1996, legislation was passed in Florida allowing homeschooled students to compete in local high school sporting events. The law specifies that homeschooled students may participate on the team of the local school in theschool district in which they live.The Tebows lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and Tim played linebacker and tight end at the local Trinity Christian Academy for one season.

The Tebow Family - Bob, Pam, Joey, Christy, Gannon, Katie, Robby, Peter, Timmy, Claire, Abby and Joe
The Tebow Family
Bob, Pam, Joey, Christy, Gannon, Katie, Robby, Peter, Timmy, Claire, Abby and Joe 

In a world where cynicism and rhetoric often usurp values and faith, many may doubt Tebow’s existence is the product of the prayer that he and his family credit for his life.

Tim Tebow Says Football Comes After Faith and Family

-GMA (Good Morning America)


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